Monday, March 31, 2008

Circus Girls

They said it couldn't be done, but Atlanta got hit by a tornado a couple weeks ago. That's crazy! Anyway, the city survived, and we found it to be a pretty cool place, as long as you can find your way around it's wacky streets. We went on a mission for good food, and we found a high school that was converted to condos! It was hilarious, and they call it "Bass High."
Show me "anguish." We found Son's Place, a soul food restaurant near the Little Five Points neighborhood. We were anguished to discover that it's closed on Saturdays! Oh no, it's 2:30 in the afternoon and we haven't eaten today...we continue on, more determined and disappointed then ever...
We finally made our way to the Vortex, a delicious place. You can see Joey, half way through his buffalo sauce blue cheese burger. Looks good, huh? They also serve a burger called The Double Bypass. It's a cheese burger with a fried egg and 4 strips of bacon. The catch is that instead of buns, it's served in between two grilled cheese sandwiches! Amazing stuff. A guy sitting next to us ordered one and ate the entire sandwich. Funny thing was that no one at his table seemed the least bit surprised at this.As you can see, our show at Lenny's was great fun. We saw some old friends and made lots of new ones. To the scooter gang: next time we'll ride with you to the Claremont...for sure.

We'd like to thank Kasumi and Sara for their wonderful hospitality- you guys are the coolest. They are acrobats, and they gave Damon a lesson on the trapeze! I wish I had a picture of that. Thanks to Jacosa and Strobe for taking us out...and special thanks to the little helper we had before our show...

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