Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pass Me Out The Poutine

Montreal, what can I say? It's a magic place. Take Poutine for instance, that's magic. If you don't know, a common (way more common than I expected it to be) dish in Quebec consists of French Fries straight out of the deep fryer with cheese curds topped with gravy. That's right, it is as delicious as it sounds. Not to mention the element of danger that exists when willingly partaking in this artery clogging delicacy. Damon found out the hard way that one serving of Poutine can have the same affect as a hard night's drinking. As if this weren't funny enough, it just so happened that we were sharing the green room with about 30 other band members that night, and he didn't give up that chair for nobody.Thanks to Catherine for being at the right place at the right time and taking these pictures for us when we were sans cameras!

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