Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Governor of Arkansas Digs Chow Nasty

Zac and Damon are sick (again) and Joey lost his wallet yesterday. Some good news is that Mike Beebe, the governor of Arkansas, stopped by the Rev Room to say hello, along with the first lady, Ginger. What a cool couple, huh? Yeah, that's right, Beebe has a 94% approval rating- BOOYAH!
Other highlights of our stay in Little Rock included our friend Michaela's birthday, and a soak in the hottub at Gabe's Bar, after the show. Thanks everyone. We'll see you again soon.

1 comment:

Gabe Holmstrom said...

Glad you guys came back for the second trip. Im looking forward to next time when yall can play on a weekend night!

Gabes bar and grill is kinda like the motel 6....we'll leave the light on for ya!

